Saturday, August 29, 2009

sea snakes

Sea snakes have have flat tails. Almost flat as a pancake. wen they wiggle their bodies the flat tail makes them go faster.
Some sea snakes have strong venom. 1 drop is enough to kill 3 people. But they don,t usually bite people.

bad broc o bama

Well I have been in the hospital before.Because I had bellpolsie and I am allergic to fire ants.
Also BROC O BAMA is making it to were only a few people are seen. So I sit in my bed and cry scared of the next time I go to to the hospital that I may not be seen.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


There are many types of whales.Blue,Sperm, Pilot, Sowerby's, beaked, porpoise, Northern Right, Humpback, Gray, Bowhead, Dolphin, Striped dolphin, Narwhal, beluga, Orcas . Toothed Whales eat Octopus , Shark, & Squid. Baleen Whales eat krill & plankton. Orcas eat penguins.
Baleen Whales eat 80 tons of krill every day. the biggest is the blue whale.It is 90 ft. long.
Orcas hunt in groups. The biggest toothed is the Sperm Whale. Female's give birth in the middle of watter.
Humpback Whales weigh 30 to 50 tons.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Tiger Teeth

Tigers have big jaws to hunt big prey. Curved teeth called canine teeth are 3 inches long & are used to suffocate prey. The Carnassial teeth are used to rip meat.
Tigers don't chew. They swallow riped off meat whole.


You have 6 main types of cells. Red Blood Cells carry oxygen around the body. Nerve Cells send messages from the Brain.
Muscle Cells let you move. Bone Cells are shaped like tree trunk. White Blood Cells kill germs.
Skin Cells are dead 20 to 30 layers deep. You are made of 1,000,0000's of cells.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Helping Monkey Babies

People take monkey babies and the parent has to do tricks to get their babies back. I say there should be a law that if they do it they go to jail for 50 years.

Note From Parent:
Abigail was watching a special on Discovery Kids about how monkeys are mistreated, and are having their young taken from them until they do tricks, and then the children are returned to the parent monkey. Of course, Abigail was outraged to hear that such things take place and wanted to voice her opinion about this injustice against the monkeys.

Friday, April 4, 2008

A law that should be made for China :: China Olympic's Kicking People Out of Home

In China people tare people`s houses
down to make room for event`s . (Olympics)
I say that there should be a law that said that if they did it they wood have to pay
for a new house & go to jail.

Note From Parent:
This is our daughter's effort to shed light on the mistreatment of the Chinese people by their own government in order to be able to host the Olympics. Currently China is planning on kicking 1.5 million people out of there homes, and onto the streets to make room to host the Olympics. This means that 13,000 people every month are going to no longer have a place to call home. When Abi saw this on the news she was appalled that the Chinese Government could do such a thing, and decided to fight back. I told her to write a blog about it, so that the world could know what was going on.