Saturday, June 27, 2009


There are many types of whales.Blue,Sperm, Pilot, Sowerby's, beaked, porpoise, Northern Right, Humpback, Gray, Bowhead, Dolphin, Striped dolphin, Narwhal, beluga, Orcas . Toothed Whales eat Octopus , Shark, & Squid. Baleen Whales eat krill & plankton. Orcas eat penguins.
Baleen Whales eat 80 tons of krill every day. the biggest is the blue whale.It is 90 ft. long.
Orcas hunt in groups. The biggest toothed is the Sperm Whale. Female's give birth in the middle of watter.
Humpback Whales weigh 30 to 50 tons.

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